- https://www.facebook.com/Oculusvr/ - The Oculus Rift
- https://www.facebook.com/HTCVIVE/ - The HTC Vive
- https://www.facebook.com/letsveer/ - VeeR VR
- https://www.facebook.com/letsveer/ - Virtuality
- https://www.facebook.com/OCD-Center-of-Los-Angeles-95714840662/?__tn__=%2Cd%2CP-R&eid=ARA6qEMHUTpIz5IZR4gyRgGgjOUrK7Zi0HgB5AOmlvDTogiiMMpbFZUL2_0ejCaZgeHlUvfEIX3es83b - OCD Center of LA
- https://www.facebook.com/nimhgov/ - National Institute of Mental Health
- https://www.facebook.com/todayhealth/?__tn__=%2Cd%2CP-R&eid=ARAuoZ0bKmA0K1yLOWf0CwIgnF78MVxfWOU2geO1KVMFNLLvLZUx_NKxOBAFyPqC4_6yD35rUkYqAQhE - Today Health & Wellness
I chose these seven business and organizations for various reasons. The first four are all related to the field of Virtual Reality - the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive are the two biggest VR headset platforms on the market right now, and are clearly the choices for targets to sell the products I'm looking to create on. VeeR VR and Virtuality are both interested in furthering the VR field and reporting on breakthroughs and exciting new prospects in virtual reality, which makes great sense to reach out and see how they'd feel about reporting on a project such as mine.
The last three have to do with mental health and wellbeing, which is the main goal of ExposVRe's project. Reaching out to these places and seeing their take on the idea, as well as getting feedback and inspiration from them would be of great help, and if they chose to assist with the idea, getting the expanded reach and exposure from it would really help put the focus on the project's goals and long-term sustainability.
This Facebook feature makes it much, much easier to reach out to other companies and keep track of what it is they're doing and what they're into. You can expand your reach exponentially if a company likes your page back - all of their followers then get to see your content on their feed, which can direct eyes to your business as well.
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