For ExposVRe, I think Streaming content would be a great way to use another online tool to promote the business. Having streams of developers running through scenarios or showing off what's being worked on would be a great way to get customers and other people excited about the product, and to directly show how they might be of help to various people. Twitch would be a great service to use, especially given that VR is a great platform for gaming as well, so you could tie in advertising and such from that venue.
Integrating streaming would be super easy and straightforward with the current strategy. Using Facebook and Twitter, I could announce when streams would be happened, what they'd be about, and take polls and other questions about the content to be included on each stream. That's a super direct and simple way to include the customer and follower base with what's going on, and keep them up to date on how things are going - along with physical proof of project progress.
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