The Oculus Rift - The Oculus company uses a lot of visual advertising to promote their product - many video ads, commercials, and in-app advertising with programs like Discord, Twitch, and YouTube streaming. Their advertising is fairly effective, as it draws people into the VR space and lets them see how it all works, and what they can do with it. The things that particularly draw my attention are the showcasing of what programs you can interact with on the device, and the imagery and video that directly shows it to you. The HTC Vive - Similarly to the Oculus, the Vive's advertising is mostly visual in nature, befitting their product of being a VR company. While they do less advertising than the Oculus, the Vive is still a fairly common VR headset option, and that allows them to follow much in the same path as the Oculus Rift. Visual ads, particularly video, are most commonplace, with a call to action to get up and start being active while gaming - something that VR is quite good...